Rights, Entitlements . . . and boundaries? And how our conflation of these terms are creating a toxic environment.

Rights and Entitlements, strangely enough we are going to tie this into our interpersonal lives with boundaries and how most of the things I read about “boundaries” are really entitlements masquerading as rights.

What is the difference between Rights and Entitlements

Much of the same thing is happening. I see across the society and culture this self-help inner peace nonsense that masquerading as “boundaries” and “rights” that are really entitlement that will end up bankrupting your relationships.

We claim these “personal rights”  as “healthy boundaries” which is really self preservation to keep us safe and protected—building walls to keep us comfortable. Why? because we have assumed “comfort” is a owned to us–but it isn’t.

No one can make you feel anything… Often when we are believe we are victims and not powerful people we focus on our entitlement that isolates us causing us to seeks our own selfish desires. Building walls and then we expect people to give us emotional equity love and support when we haven’t nourished those relationships.

To take more steps to live a focus life to achieve your dreams and fulfill your destiny–get my book Anchored the Discipline to Stop Drifting.

Sources and additional Reading:

Until next time… Be a change maker, pursue truth, and own the future.

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