Words matter. The meaning of our words matter. And understanding their meaning is critical to understanding our world and acting within it.

In this episode we discuss justice and how it contrasts with what has come to be referred to as “Social Justice”.

We define the meaning of Justice, Mercy, Grace, and Judgement and “Social Justice” as defined by those who stand and march for “Social Justice”.

Justice makes impartial judgements regardless of race, class, or gender. Social justice make partial judgements in favor of “disempowered minorities” based on race, class and gender.

Justice give each man what he is due. Social Justice redistributes what each man earns until “financial equality” is achieved.

Sources and additional Reading:




https://www.un.org/esa/socdev/documents/ifsd/SocialJustice.pdf (Page 2)



Until next time… Be a change maker, take responsibility, own the future.

Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:

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