Ikigai: reason for life (and what I really think about it) | Weaver & Loom [E071]

Ikigai is a popular buzz word that has been slapped onto a venn diagram. I think it is "alright"--but suspicious of the fact that it is really a "Japanese Philosophy"--more like a Western idea/venn diagram made good by throwing an asian-zen-like-word on top of it. Instead--we talk about three OTHER words that, ironically, [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:06:04+00:00September 3rd, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Who is it for? What it is for?| Weaver & Loom [E066]

When creating anything, communicating anything, leading anything--we must ask and answer these two questions: Who is it for? What is it for? Then you must reflect and see if your actions are mapping to your audience and desired out come. Often times our action are mapping to a who and what that is [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:16:09+00:00August 27th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|