Own the Future has taken on a NEW name–The Lucas Skrobot Show. Listen to learn WHY, and what to expect these new changes to bring.

I answers questions like . . .

  • What caused you to change the name?
  • Is “Own the Future” totally going away?
  • What is happening to “Weaver and Loom”
  • Will you still be doing interviews?
  • How often will you be releasing episodes?
  • What is the new format of the show?
  • Is the heart of the content changing?

I share all this and MORE (like who is joining the team as a producer!)

We are excited for this new format of the show. It has taken 138 episodes or so to get here. What we did in the past served it’s purpose–but now it is time to let the past be the past and to step into the new.

Thank you for being a dedicated listener. Without you–we would not be here.

I would love to hear from you–WhatsApp me at +1-202-922-0220Ā Here you can ask question about anything that happened on the show. I look forward to hearing from you.

Until next timeā€¦

Be a change maker, take responsibility, own the future.

Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:

WhatsApp: +1-202-922-0220





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