The global taxes it’s citizen out of existence, the dictionary becomes hijacked by propagandist, and the show is changing it’s cadence by taking Plato’s advice…

Time Stamps
Global Tax for the 21st Century begins  00:00
Who pays ” big bad multinational companies”  00:33
Stay tuned for announcement at the end…  01:00
OECD – 140 nations, 136 agree to global tax.  01:10
What does it mean?  02:01
Govs Fix Prices for “level playing field”   03:59
Who will REALLY pay these taxes? Ultimately YOU.  04:54
VAT in the Middle East Shocked an already struggling economy . . . that was PRE covid  06:21
Pres. Joe Biden’s Statement  08:14
Gov vs Entrepreneurial /Business mindset  10:15
Are all taxes bad?  11:01
Yeah that makes sense  12:13
Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s Definition of Anti-Vaxxer Includes Opposing Vaccine Mandates  12:33
Dictionary now propaganda tool.  14:52
Iceland BARS Moderna Vax  15:25
Biden’s Misinformation going against Youtube Policy  16:42
YouTube Policy and CDC Statements  19:35
Mandates and Control feeble attempt to stabilize a fragile global economy–is it having an adverse affect?   21:16
Value for Value  22:06
Weaver and Loom  23:48
Plato’s Republic  25:37
Go down . . .  27:41
Change of Cadence Announcement   28:42
WhatsApp me at +1-202-922-0220  32:45
Build your community  34:16

Detailed Show Notes and Media/Article links:

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Until next time… uncover your purpose, discern the Truth, and own the future.
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