Men and women sports weren’t divided because  men and women FEEL difference, think differently or have different personality. But because Men’s frames are built stronger. Bones denser. Frame different.
The entire trans movement says “I was born in the wrong body”. So if someone says my mind is women by body male… then there is an agreement that the BODY is male. And cutting someone off or taking hormone blockers does not change the fundamental difference between XX and XY.
“Trans women are women” well. They are biological males who identify as female.
After all—isn’t gender merely a social construct? So if it merely a construct then why does a bio male need to complete in with bio females? And why is there even bio female sports, we weight class, or special Olympics?

IOC Statement

In the healthy, normal males and females, there was a clear bimodal distribution of testosterone levels, with the lower end of the male range being four- to fivefold higher than the upper end of the female range(males 8.8-30.9 nmol/L, females 0.4-2.0 nmol/L).
From the cross-sectional analysis of world championship results, at the 90th percentile, the age at peak performance was 26.0 years for men (95% CI: 24.9, 27.1) and 25.0 years for women (95% CI: 23.9, 27.4).
You can see the age spread here. Of the winning male athletes, 66.5% of them in the last four Olympics had an average age of 24-27 years, 22%  were in the 20-23 age bracket, 8% were 28 to 31 year olds and 4% of male athletes were between 32 and 35 years old, while only 3% were between 17 and 19 years old.
Competing as Gavin Hubbard, her birth name, Hubbard set national records in junior competition and had a best, combined snatch and clean and jerk total of 300 kilograms (661 pounds).
Speaking of not being able to speak… the global scientific community has become politics
Why are some gov and big tech so bullish at stripping doctors from licenses for raising questions from peer reviewed science
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Until next time… uncover your purpose, discern the Truth, and own the future.

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