Left wing media is pushing a radical agenda, using clever argument that are catching on.


  • “Apartheid State”
  • “Not a conflict”
  • “One sided flight”
  • Hamas is good
  • Jews and Arabs lived peacefully until Israel became a nation.
We tackled some of these . . . but more importantly we move beyond to talk about a solution one that you and I can walk out that will improve our every day lives and relationships.

Until next time… Be a purpose seeker, discern the Truth, and own the future.

To take more steps to live a focus life to achieve your dreams and fulfill your destiny–get my book Anchored the Discipline to Stop Drifting.  https://amzn.to/2Vwb22n
Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:
WhatsApp: +1-202-922-0220
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucasskrobot