1) Politicizing Data and Science
2) Media fear mongering
3) Quest for power and control
We break down how we can begin to weigh the difference of world views and pull back into a harmonious balance the polarized conversations and arguments through breakdown worldview using Aquinas’ Four Laws to understand where we SHOULD have nuance in public policy, and where we shouldn’t . . . helping those who stand for rugged individualism see how those pushing for centralized control are intending the good. While helping those who support centralized control understand the trade off and arguments being made for individuals taking their own risk assessment.
Operation Warp speed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Warp_Speed#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Department%20of,to%20accelerate%20the%20development%2C%20manufacturing%2C
Mayo Clink How to wear Mask: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449
WHO Risk of mask: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/who-updates-guidance-on-masks-heres-what-to-know-now/
Do masks harm: https://ratical.org/PandemicParallaxView/MasksAreHarmful-Meehan2020.html
Do masks work if work properly 65% effective: https://www.ucdavis.edu/coronavirus/news/your-mask-cuts-own-risk-65-percent
When should we trust the Science: https://www.mitre.org/sites/default/files/publications/pr-21-1187-when-and-how-should-we-trust-the-science_0.pdf
Death & Lockdowns: https://www.city-journal.org/death-and-lockdowns
Aquinas Four Laws: https://people.wku.edu/jan.garrett/302/aquinlaw.htm
Until next time… Be a purpose seeker, discern the Truth, and own the future.