The push to tax, and place trade restrictions on oil, coal, and trade of gas/fracking is geopolitical warfare designed to weaken a nations ability to defend itself in war. Resources and logistics are what win and lose wars…

And this is all being played out in the seemingly boring business of pipelines to set up, and defend, nations for the global end game . . .

What is most wild is all three of the monotheistic faiths all support this with the prophetic writings . . . and some how the religion of  environmentalism.

Strange days we are living in…

Enjoy the show.

Music intro: REM, It’s the end of the world.
Jewish Eschatology:
Christian Eschatology (list of Gog and Magog):
Islamist Eschatology:
Saudi Reforesting:
China’s Renewable Energy:
AOC world will end in 12 years:
EU pressuring Nations toward net zero:
Biomass & Biofuel:
Biomass & Biofuel:
USA Canada Legal agreement broke with Keystone Pipeline canceled:
Germany Russia Pipeline Story–Nord Stream 2:
UAE – Israel Agreement:
Story from Pre WWII on pipelines:,in%201948,%20and%20the%20Arabs%20declared%20endless%20war

Until next time… Be a purpose seeker, discern the Truth, and own the future.

To take more steps to live a focus life to achieve your dreams and fulfill your destiny–get my book Anchored the Discipline to Stop Drifting.
Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:
WhatsApp: +1-202-922-0220
Clubhouse: @LucasSkrobot