Human flight was impossible… until it wasn’t | Weaver & Loom [E079]

Everyone said human flight was impossible. Mankind had tried for thousands of years... then one the impossible became possible in the most unlikely of ways. The Wright brothers had everything going against them, and yet they didn't make excuses, instead they defied the impossible and changed history forever. To read more--here are some [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:00:24+00:00September 15th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Find the others | Weaver & Loom [E078]

When you are thrown back into your old environment if you aren't careful, it doesn't take long until you slip back into old habit. Yesterday (episode 77) we talked about some of why we can so easily slip back into old patterns and mindsets. Today we talk about how to inoculate yourself so [...]

By |2021-02-24T23:59:04+00:00September 12th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Resistant to Change | Weaver & Loom [E075]

What do you do when you encounter people resistant to change? In short--nothing. Yeah nothing. Forget about people resistant to change. Instead find the others. Find the people who are seeking to make the same change you are. Some important links from this episode: The bell curve: Transgender Issues Referenced Books mentioned [...]

By |2021-02-24T23:55:31+00:00September 9th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Ikigai: reason for life (and what I really think about it) | Weaver & Loom [E071]

Ikigai is a popular buzz word that has been slapped onto a venn diagram. I think it is "alright"--but suspicious of the fact that it is really a "Japanese Philosophy"--more like a Western idea/venn diagram made good by throwing an asian-zen-like-word on top of it. Instead--we talk about three OTHER words that, ironically, [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:06:04+00:00September 3rd, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|