True Heroes aren’t Heroic | Weaver & Loom [E058]

Most of us think that "changing the world" is really hard to do. I would agree, "Changing the world" is nearly impossible when we put it in terms of changing seven almost eight billion people's lives. But, changing the world is quite simple once we realize, like Nicholas Winton, that if we help one person [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:26:18+00:00August 15th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Overcoming writers block | Weaver & Loom [E057]

In 2008, When I was writing my Honor's Thesis in university . . . I was stuck. Big time. After months of research and staring at a blank sheet of paper I couldn't get a single sentence out. In a moment of desperation on went to the chair of the literature department who was overseeing [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:27:30+00:00August 14th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Has your tongue been cut out? | Weaver & Loom [E056]

What would you do if you got defiled by a demi-god, who happened to be your brother in-law . . . and then got your tongue cut out when you said you would tell the world? In the myth of Philomela this is exactly what happened--listen and learn how she overcame, and how you can [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:29:05+00:00August 13th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

I was murdered in Auschwitz | Weaver & Loom [E055]

When Gates fail, when we do not defend the moral fabric of our society. Lives are lost when the voices of those who seek to do good and right and silenced by political maneuvering. Defending our moral fabric--which comes from our orientation of the sacred space and truth, is not just a cute idea, but the [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:30:15+00:00August 12th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Economic Principles | Weaver & Loom [E054]

All of the previous episodes on defending the gates are important. Each one can, and will, make or break the culture of any community. Commerce--Money--is a pillar in any organizational structure, and how we choose to relate to and structure our financial institutions will lead to prosperity in a organization . . . [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:31:27+00:00August 11th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Public Assembly | Weaver & Loom [E053]

Do these things exist in your organization, family, or personal life? Freedom of speech. Freedom of expression. Free exchange of idea. Honest 360 feedback. OR Are people walking on egg shells? Afraid to speak their mind? Afraid to tell you the truth? Everyone having side conversation about issues--but their are never openly addressed? [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:34:39+00:00August 8th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Establish Law | Weaver & Loom [E052]

In the gates of ancient cities lawsuit and disputes would be heard, laws would be passed, and judgment would be upheld. Creating clear rules, cultural norms, expectations and consequences are important for maintaining healthy and safe communities. When members of any organization know that they will justly be guarded and protected, they are [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:35:55+00:00August 7th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Kings Cast Vision | Weaver & Loom [E051]

In the city gates of ancient cities, Kings would make appearances and give speeches, casting vision, making royal decrees, and having a personal touch point with the people she, or he, was leading. As we lead our organization, or families, we must intentional build in a set rhythm of showing to to cast [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:36:57+00:00August 6th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Celebrate | Weaver & Loom [E050]

City gates were a place of celebration. Are you celebrating your cultural constitution, role models, icons, ideal behaviors in your life, or organization? Celebration is critical to weaving a strong cultural fabric. Until next time... Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:        

By |2021-02-25T00:38:04+00:00August 5th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|

Build your Monuments | Weaver & Loom [E049]

If you want to build a cultural frame work. If you want to be a boundaried individual, family or business--you need to know your story, and create memorial to those defining stories so that you will always remember and never forget the path you are on. Stories act as a grid for us [...]

By |2021-02-25T00:39:10+00:00August 4th, 2019|Podcast, Weaver & Loom|