We talk about the spirit realm on the show today–not in a weird paranormal way, but a grounded practical way with real world instant application.

The thoughts you agree with, the words you speak over yourself and other, are powerful to shape both your and their realities.

Ideas that you harbor affect the spiritual atmosphere of your home.

Beliefs that governmental authorities embrace open the spiritual gates of a nation to sway the thoughts, opinions, and behaviors of mankind.

Until next time… Be a purpose seeker, truth lover, and own your future.

To take more steps to live a focus life to achieve your dreams and fulfill your destiny–get my book Anchored the Discipline to Stop Drifting.  https://amzn.to/2Vwb22n
Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:
WhatsApp: +1-202-922-0220
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucasskrobot