We finish up this three part answer from a question from the audience with discussing an important framework that enables us to understand and sort highly complex issues in culture and society.

We’ve have been building up to this frame work for some time now, and I’m excited for the chance to articulate this concept explicitly, which has been appearing implicitly in the thought processes of rational of the episodes since episode 1 of the podcast.

We discuss the seven different areas of culture (or spheres of society)

  1. Religon
  2. Family
  3. Education
  4. Economics (science/tech)
  5. Art entertainment
  6. Media
  7. Government

And how when one sphere becomes corrupt, oversteps, or abdicates isn’t responsibilities toxin codependent relationship in society form and disaster is just around the corner.

I dive deeper specifically with how the education system grew out of alignment through wrongful influence of the business sphere (killing analytical creative thought processes that need to be taught in schools) and by government intervention through providing student loans (resulting in skyrocketing university cost).

Until next time… Be a change maker, pursue truth, and own the future.

To take more steps to live a focus life to achieve your dreams and fulfill your destiny–get my book Anchored the Discipline to Stop Drifting.

Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:

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