During the Chinese Cultural Revolution Totalitarian control was carried forth by undermining traditional morality, the family unit and public displays of violence through struggle session to strike terror into the hearts of the people because if you could strike terror in the hearts of men and women—you could control society.

If you remember a couple episode back E156 we discussed six traits of totalitarian cults we discussed why these orgs break up the family and why they use public punishment, shame, justified violence, to control the massive through eliminating a safe haven to turn (family) and through creating terror through public killings that are irrational.

In 1840 China began to modernize from traditional Chinese. Over about a 80 year period of time there were multiple wars in China that led to China adopting a Communist State in 1921.

Communism adopted ideas from Darwin and social Darwinism—and believed the violent struggle was the only way forward to progress as a species.

In the 1920s in the USSR there were public show trial where people were falsely accused of baseless crimes and executed. Russia was looking for Comrades to take over the world. In China they had been suffering set backs, disappointment and lack of global recognition after WWI.

They turned to Communism and Lenin Marxism: promised utopia but adopted ideas of no private land ownership, violent revolution, and destruction of traditional values.

The CCP was enacted genocide against anyone within or outside of the party who displayed individuality or independent thought. You could not have your own opinion—just that of the party’s talking point.

  • In 1952 2.4 Million killed “anti-revolutionaries”
  • Some estimated 5 Million killed from the KTM party
  • And some 10 million killed in the Land Reforms.

Communism used LIES to justify violence, altered and conceal historical truth, and closed loops of logic and manipulation of justice:

  • Muder is not allowed—except if someone betrays the party
  • Honor your parents—except if they are “counter revolutionaries”.

China Communist documents out lines the abolition of the family rooted in region (Daoism, Buddhism). So they started to destroy temple, kick out the monks and make them join secular society, destroy statues, burn scripture.

Additional Resources:

CCP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_China

KMT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuomintang

Struggle Sessions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struggle_session

Guangxi Massacre: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangxi_Massacre

Chinese Cultural Revolution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Revolution#Humanitarian_crisis

Video series on Communist China: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLED64004A96BE76FA

Until next time… Be a change maker, take responsibility, own the future.

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