Branden Polk has dedicated his life to advocacy for the most vulnerable, the developing of transformational leaders, and to changing the way society addresses today’s most sensitive topics such as race, sexuality, criminal justice, education, faith, and more.

Branden focuses on building strong relational connections, developing leaders, and innovative cultural moments.

Today, Branden share about what is happening in America, but most importantly sheds light on matters of the heart no matter what our race sex color or creed. He puts language to the collective pain that is being expressed by the black community in America–and his hope for what is to be achieved in light of the death of George Floyd and the protests across America–and the world.

Please listen with your heart open.

You can find Branden:





Thank you for being a dedicated listener. Without you–we would not be here.

I would love to hear from you–WhatsApp me at +1-202-922-0220 Here you can ask question about anything that happened on the show. I look forward to hearing from you.

Until next time…

Be a change maker, take responsibility, own the future.

Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:

WhatsApp: +1-202-922-0220


