We continue our discussion with Dr. Michael Keas, if you are just joining us now and if you haven’t heard the first half of our conversation where Doctor Keas breaks down the E.T. enlightenment myth. These myths have been fed to us are just that . . . MYTH.

We continue the conversation as Doctor Keas talks about

  • Do curses and witchcraft have negative impacts on our health?
  • How to frame our materialistic and spiritual worlds’ view the correct way
  • Is schizophrenic people encountering demonic spiritual activity?
  • His life behind the Berlin wall before it fell and the lesson learned
  • Why are Marxist rewriting textbooks?
  • Practical tools to safeguard ourselves from destructive ideas

Final note

Conspiracy theories lead us to anxiety, and lends ourselves to fruitless conversation.

Although everybody loves a good conspiracy talk . . . Dr, Keas’ bring a final charge that is critical in today’s world of fake news and exaggeration .

Resources from this podcast:

Cosmos series hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson, on National Geographic Station

Finding quiet a book by J.P Morland

The Revolution by Candlelight by Pamela Urfer



Joe Rogan podcast

Unbelievable: 7 myths about the history of science and religion, by Doctor Michael Keas

I would love to hear from you–WhatsApp me at +1-202-922-0220 Here you can ask question about anything that happened on the show. I look forward to hearing from you.


Until next time…

To take more steps to live a focus life to achieve your dreams and fulfill your destiny–get my book Anchored the Discipline to Stop Drifting.

Be a change maker, take responsibility, own the future.

Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:

WhatsApp: +1-202-922-0220



