This Thanksgiving, Arrow and Aiden (my two oldest sons who are 6 and 4), come on the show and talk about:

  1. Their love baseball the one true American Sport
  2.  Importance of practicing when we don’t feel like it
  3.  How to healthily confront bullies
  4.  And the Thanksgiving story.

The depth of content and wisdom of hard work and confronting bullies (which wasn’t planned or prompted) was surprising to me.

As adults we can easily over complicate how we should best deal with “bullies” in our lives. There are powerful lessons to be learned through the simplicity of children view of the world.


If you want to take action even more and live a focus life to achieve your dreams and fulfill your destiny–get my book Anchored the Discipline to Stop Drifting.

Until next time…

Be a change maker, weave your destiny, own the future.

Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:






It is one two three strikes you’re out at the road. Oh yeah.


Welcome to own the future podcast made for AM by change makers where we gain the courage to own her story the freedom to own a craft and the power to own the future. I am your host Lucas robots. And today we have a very special episode one. It’s a Thanksgiving special too. We have two special guests today.


Not only is it a first because we have two guests but it’s also a first because it is the youngest guests that we have ever had on the show.


I would like to introduce to you arrow and Aiden scroll about Aaron Aiden Hi how are you doing. Thank you for being on the show.


I’m doing good this my brother Aiden and I’m 6 and 8 is 4. And thank you for having us on the show.


Aiden Wood Wood What do you want to say.


Well we spent the whole time life waiting till we are doing a podcast.


Well you have been spending your whole life waiting to do a podcast. Yes. So is this like a dream come true for you then. Yeah. Your agent I want to hear from you. What. When you were dreaming your whole life about doing a podcast What were some of the things that you were imagining and thinking feeling that well we should do it.


Like in low a few days and then it came so then I thought we could do it well we started doing and we did it.


So that’s amazing. Well I’m so glad to have you here IRO when you’ve been thinking about doing your own podcast cause sometimes you and Aiden you’ll sit together and you’ll do your own podcast shows right. Yeah. What are some of the things you like to talk about.


Well I’m in piano and baseball huh.


And do you normally talk about that on your podcasts sometimes and I’m a really good piano maker.


I’m learning Jingle Bells.


I’m going to be in a show in a few days or something.


How does it how does it like that Jingle Bells song go.


It goes like dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun piano come naturally for you Arrow or did you had to put in a lot of hard work and practice hard work and practice.


And I don’t know when I started but it is when your first since yes.


Do you like piano. Yeah. What is one thing that you’ve learned through taking piano lessons about yourself.


You have to get your fingers closed and not just tell you don’t lean your back like this but just stay straight.


Okay so you have to have good posture yet to have your fingers in a certain way. Yeah that is great to have you also learn that you have to work harder to get better at something. Yeah. Do you like practicing do you like that working hard but a little a little yeah.


I just don’t like. I just don’t like just stay in there for like 10 or 20 minutes.


It’s hard to sit and focus for 10 or 20 minutes on on something. Yeah but do you notice that when you practice do you feel like you get better afterwards. Yeah. Yeah. How does it feel after you’re done practicing the piano.


How do you feel proud of myself. And well good.


That’s awesome. Now there’s something that both of you have started this year now. This is baseball right. Yeah. You guys both love baseball. Yeah. I’m a big hitter. Well before we get into it how how what we’re doing here playing. I want to go back to the beginning of your baseball journey. What was the first time that you guys got ever exposed to baseball when did you first see your very first baseball game.


Well we saw the Rockies in the San Diego Padres.


Like the walking one anyway. And you love to fall in the love to two.


And where were we when we saw this.


We were where we make the United States.


We’re in America. We’re in the United States. And who took you to your very first baseball game.


My friend. Your friend. Yeah. Your uncle. Uncle Jordan right. Yeah. And so we went to your very first baseball game and was there in the daytime or was it at night night. And is that night and where were we seen sitting on a very very top. We’re seeing all the way at the top. And you have pizza a hot dog. Oh my goodness.


Ends and we get some. I don’t know. Well we’ve got some of the some. Well tally guys something like a drink.


Oh we got some drinks. Yeah. It was good. We got drinking so much soda.


Oh my goodness. And did you guys pay attention to the baseball game the whole time.


Yeah. My dad thought that we would lot. We will get. We would only want to stay for nine innings.


No not line like three or four innings because there’s an only nine innings. I thought you’d only stay for like three or four and then you get bored. But you guys were like so intrigued that you’re like paying attention the whole time.


Do you remember that the song you guys singing that song Take Me Out to the game take me out to the cloud buy me something I’d say Cracker Jacks I don’t care if I get bad for its root for that team if they don’t win it’s a shame.


One two three strikes you’re out at the old while I love baseball you guys love baseball Yeah.


So then after that game we got submit someone give you guys the Mets. We got some baseball bats we got some balls and you guys started practicing huh. Yeah. Catching the ball practicing catching and hitting. And now you guys are in your very first league. What league are you in tee ball tee ball and what team are you going to use.


I had my first baseball game my whole life and then playing was the man you played against the Mariners. And then my second one well it was the Astros getting my third one well it was the Blue Jays.


And did you win those games or lose those games.


Well we did but it was always ties.


It was that confusing to you because I remember one game. You’re very confused on the field. What was happening in your mind.


Well I remembered that we don’t keep score. When I was against the ASCO huh. So I was like when I was coming to me I was like. Like we keep score and then Ali’s staying in my business not catching a single ball.


My goodness to you isn’t it. Do you feel like it was silly that you weren’t keeping score yeah.


Yeah. So Dan now is like feeling like Ben when you were large and that I’m ready to catch it. And then they when I was standing in the base what in picture and I was like What. What’s happening. Oh again a day when into the dug out.


Well you’re a deep thinker it’s very very astute of you that you’re paying attention to realize that. Wait a minute you’re not keeping score and we’re not getting anyone out. What’s going on here. How is this even a game. I like your thinking but right now we’re just learning and t ball huh. Huh. We’re learning. What about you era. What league are you in.


I mean pee I’m the dog is what number 0 8 and what number are you.


Number nine team number 19. Highest in my league. Why. Why did you pick number 19. Because it’s my favorite baseball player. Who’s that.


Troy Blackmon Charlie Blackmon. OK. Era.


Back to you here with the Dodgers in peewee number 14 because I am. I have my favorite baseball player.


He’s Tony. His name’s Tony. He’s a lucky.


And what position does he play capture catcher the Rockies. So tell me a little bit about your experience so far in playing baseball.


Thank you.


I hit one over people’s heads once when I was against the Astros on my third game. I’m going to get one in two days. I’m going to get another game in two days in my practice and the 30th Thanksgiving I have game.


And so you see that you’re a big hitter re always a big hitter. Know what. Tell me about your first game what happened. I missed all of them. So you struck out. Yeah. How did it feel when you struck out.


A little sad.


Yeah. A little sad. And so after you struck out a few times What did you do to grow to become a big hitter to be able to hit those balls. Practice practiced.


And because we practice in our house downstairs and all y’all we have a yard. So we practice and we have a little baseball and a baseball bat.


It sounds like you guys are really passionate about baseball you really love it.


Yeah. I’m not going to stick to baseball my whole life. I moved to every sport.


You want to learn every sport. Okay. So back a question with baseball have you guys ever gotten hit with a ball.


No. No. Oh yes I did because one of my teammates flow we are mine.


Oh and you’re hurt but you stopped it by at least right. Yeah. What about you Aaron. You’ve taken a ball.


I got to play here and your cheek. Yeah. How much did that hurt. So anyway I was practicing before a game.


Not like when you’re warming up. Yeah I was warming up my dad is number eleven. He could have picked number 80.


I picked Eleven. Okay.


So you’re warming up and what happened. G1. Uh in G1 has a really strong arm huh.


He’s a good thrower. You know Iwan.


Yeah. He won.


He has a strong arm to float the ball. Nine. It went like this is my mate went like this bounced out of it and any like that.


Ouch. Did you decide to give up. No. Do we give up. And then he hit me right here. Hit you in the shoulder to here. It sounds like both of you. One thing that I’m getting from this episode so far is that you guys are boys who don’t give up and that you when you’re failing at something you don’t just say well I just wasn’t made to do this. You focus in you practice and you work hard to get better at what you do. Is that right. Yeah. That’s what I love about both of you boys that you guys are both so focused you’re tenacious and you you push yourself to grow and you’re willing to practice and you’re putting in the hard work and you’re doing what it takes to grow at the things that you love. Whether it’s piano or baseball I love that. And there’s something else that I know both of you guys love and Aidan you really wanted to talk about this today which is how many days until Christmas. You didn’t want to lose the arrow Yara wanted to air you want to talk to. How many days till Christmas how many days until Christmas. Tell us. Twenty days. Twenty eight days. What are you guys looking forward to this Christmas.


Well we’re going to hang out with our friends Jewish and Apple laptops some pleasant sports.


You already wrapped in presents for them. Yeah. Wow. That is so thoughtful. What what are some of the things. So you’re hanging out with some friends this Christmas. What else do you love about Christmas.


Well I don’t really know.


Putting up ornaments on the Christmas tree. I also like this. Not good to celebrate. Gee. Yes.


But yeah we get to celebrate Jesus’s birthday. That’s right. What 0 0. What do you like about celebrating Jesus’s birthday.


Well my learned so buzz this movie. It says a it’s a song it’s called again.


You slammed your heart.


So we didn’t get any. We didn’t even need that didn’t we. Got some bad facts that we want to sell. And it didn’t cost any money.


Let’s go back to the song. So how does the song go so you’re watching this movie called Buzz. And they have a song called give your friend your heart. How does a song that gives a song like this.


The very letters come from the heart.


It’s true that the deep inside and give them places but you only get fat you can say I love you love you see from that you’ve learned that presence didn’t have to cost a lot of money.


Yeah there’s something that comes from your heart and that’s the best way to see that I love you by giving something from your heart.


There’s two ways you can do this.


It can be that you are the pleasant could be that in every way.


Tons every day everything every thing is pleasant.


Maybe blue way and and love love.


So you’re the present everything’s the present or love. Yeah Wow that’s deep I think.


And then and you picked out a toy and you’re giving it to your friends leading this Christmas shopping league has picked out a toy that toy that our grandma gave us and you don’t really use it anymore. Well we decided we put a PayPal in it. That’s fairly special.


She guys wrote a letter. Yeah. Oh wow that’s special. They are probably you’d be so excited to get their Christmas presents and what are you guys hoping for Christmas.


I’m hoping. Why I want baseball gloves baseball helmet and a baseball bat.


You’re not surprised because you guys seem to love baseball so much and so good at it. What do you want Bo and I want Ortiz to file for baseball all this stuff. What stuff if you got one baseball thing. What would be the most important baseball thing for you guys to get.


Well maybe baseball gloves. I.


That you could use. So hitting gloves. So batting gloves. So if the ball hits you. You should get armor. You should get like a homerun for the catcher.


Oh if you’re a catcher so catcher armor. Yeah.


And I want I want armor for batting. I want I want to take a helmet. Yeah. Helmet and some armor.


They don’t have that. They don’t have like armor for your chest for batting. Get in here. Yeah. Sometimes they might have one in the leg really one on the arm but normally not. Especially for you guys that the pitches aren’t going that fast. Yeah. Coop. Anything else that you guys. What what are what are the gifts are you excited to give people or what other traditions you. Are you guys excited to have around Christmas.


Well I have a good one that I’ve been waiting to do. Huh. Well we could do this one like if you don’t have an idea you could just you order out your oh so if you don’t have like something that you can give someone you can be the gift that you can spend time and hang out with that person. Yeah it’s kind of like that but you could sing like a Christmas card like this and wait too long. Huh. And also also giving hugs is a pleasant giving hugs to their presence.


There’s lots of ways that we can give gifts without having to buy something or having a lot of money huh.


Yeah. I had a friend. Well yeah I’ve had a friend. Uh I think what I. We went to a church that United States some kind of place. Well anyways what happened.


Well we were hiding from this girl and she wasn’t my friend but she she was like she if we if they say bacon or something or eggs. Yeah eggs.


She would come to them and she would say stop and they would keep doing it. Oh so there’s someone that was bullying a girl. Yeah. Girl who was who loved it pink she went pink everything.


And so what happened when when people were being naughty naughty my friend.


She was my flying laptop took a nap. She didn’t tell me why. And I said you should not do that. That is wrong. But I mean you started killing you she would come for me on the couch and I got these songs I said you are doing one. Then call me on the count and when you say hi. No I did not. So I think he was going to count. Follow me on it. So then I said you should not do that but still do.


Wow. That also when I left.


Whenever they would like hiding in a place I said I’m not going to do this because you didn’t want to be mean to that girl huh. So a couple of things I’m hearing it’s really interesting that you brought this up. It sounds like one you guys both of you stood up for someone else when someone else was being bullied. You guys stood up for her and said hey don’t be like that to her she doesn’t like that. So you’re confronting bullies right. So when you have a bully in your life you say hey I’m going to confront this person. I don’t have to go to Mom and Dad right away. I’m a powerful person and I’m able to confront and say I don’t like that or she doesn’t like that. So. So it seems to me I mean hero. How old are you. I’m six eight and how old are you. Four. So you’re six going on seven. Four going on five and a few months it seems like you guys at a young age have already encountered have already experienced how there’s some people in the world who are really mean. How does that make you feel. Angry makes you feel angry when people treat you like that. What about you Bowen.


Well it makes me feel like I shouldn’t be one person and when I some guy.


I was like Yeah he knocked me around.


Well it’s it’s very sad that we live in a world that with broken people we’re not everyone’s kind. Everyone’s nice but I’m glad that you guys from a young age are learning how to stand up for yourself. Learning how to be powerful individuals learning how to say no. Learning how to resolve conflict yourself because I noticed in all of these stories you didn’t come running to mommy or daddy to say so-and-so said this or so-and-so did this. I think one thing I really love about you guys is that you learn to resolve your conflict between one another and then if it if you’re not able to resolve it then you come to an authority then you come to an adult. I think oftentimes we have to learn like yes saying okay well we’re just going to avoid that person and not be friends with them. But there are times that we have to learn well how do we continue to engage with them in a relationship while still saying I don’t like it when you do this but we can play in this way right. And that’s something that both of you guys are learning because sometimes you and Aiden you guys fight right. Yeah but you don’t just say well I’m never going to hang out with you again you learn how to respect each other and how to tell one another. Like Aiden you’ve had to learn to tell ERO I don’t like it when you do this to me huh. And arrow you’ve had to learn. Okay well I need to treat Eden differently I need to let him have his opinions and have his the things that he wants to do you have the ways that he wants to do it right.


Yeah. Also I’ve wanted to see God my whole life.


I’m just waiting for everybody to know Jesus so I can see him with my own eyes not liking my heart. I want to see my belly eyes.


Yeah I want to see with my bare eyes too. Guys I’m really grateful that you decided to come on the show today and I heard that you have a special story to tell since this is a Thanksgiving Day special. I heard that you have a thinks giving story that you wanted to share with all the listeners out there to tell the story of what Thanksgiving is all about. Is that right. Yeah. You guys ready to tell that story. Yep.


So long ago in the year sixteen twenty is some family named called they want to go to a land where they would be fleet or workshop.


How you want it to so they decide to go on a boat named the Mayflower and to a place called America.




And so when they landed they landed in a place called Quint and they went to a glide away and finding food and building houses but then a man called Winter came right.


You know it was really really hard and many people died did everyone die. No.


Because a man called in an Indian called cuando showed them how to plant corn. And no they showed him out to plant corn. He will point out good for medicine and what plants or poison some. So the food was plentiful. The harvest was plentiful that year.


Some man call it the winter Blatchford declared of a day of prayer in Thanksgiving. So they play. They had Thanksgiving or three days while day by day. In the end. They played games for three days in and celebrated for three days.


While I love Thanksgiving it’s probably one of my favorite holidays. Can can we end the show by hearing from both of you. Something that you guys are both thankful for.


I’m thankful for all baseball for baseball what do you think for ERA.


I’m thankful for the cities and everybody who stands up and says Don’t do that and there might be some people who don’t do it but some some gentlemen who do it. Lots of gentlemen do it.


That’s right. So 80 year things for baseball and aero you’re thankful for the gentlemen in the city who stand up for what’s right and what’s wrong.


Well guys thank you so much for being here on the future arrow in Aden. I love you guys. I think you’re amazing and I think you had so many wonderful things to share with the listeners today. That is all for today’s episode of own the feature. Remember if you own your story you can own the future.


Don’t forget our but else go by and we will see you next time. That’s right.