Part three of four in our Enneagram series where you learn about who you are, and how to better communicate with those around you.

Knowing yourself is the first step to knowing others. Know thyself.

The Enneagram deal with core fears and motivations to explain WHY we behave as we do. If you know me or Own the Future, you know I’m obsessed with WHY we do things.

Today we hit the 2, 3 and 4 of the Enneagram–which is know as the Heart or Feeling Triad.

Listen and learn more about who you are, or how to serve your friends depending.

To discover YOUR ENNEAGRAM NUMBER visit this website and READ about the nine numbers and see what best resonates with you:

April Lee – my co-host/guest for the next few weeks can be found here:

Thank you for listening–Don’t be selfish, share this with a friend.

You can find me here —>