Overcoming Failure, the Family Unit’s Role in Education, and the Culture Crunch – Dr Majid Al Qassimi [E011]


Dr. Majid Al Qassimi visits with us today and begins to unpack some critical trends in culture and how counter maneuver harmful trends of the day.

Dr. Majid hits on the importance of the Family Unit in childhood education (HINT the education system is in there is help and ADD to children’s learning at home not replace it)

We also speak on perseverance through failure and ONE element crucial to pressing on in the face of repeated failure, road blocks, and disappointment.

And, finally . . . Dr. Majid begins to unpack the culture crunch and our symbiotic relationship with nature, and what is required of all of us to preserve both our heritage and culture, and our environment.


You can find Dr. Majid Al Qassimi at the following places:









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Thank you for your attention.


By |2021-02-25T01:45:53+00:00September 20th, 2018|Podcast|

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